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Please click on a specimen to see a detailed picture Pyrops clavatus (Westwood, 1839) - Thailand Pyrops candelaria (Linné, 1758) - S.E. Asia Pyrops pyrorhynchus (Donovan, 1800) - Malaysia Pyrops oculata (Westwood, 1838) - S.E. Asia Pyrops virdirostris (Westwood, 1848) - Thailand Pyrops intricata (Walker, 1857) - Kalimantan, Indonesia Pyrops peguensis (Schmidt, 1911) - Thailand Pyrops hashimotoi Nagai & Porion, 2002 - Wawoni island, Indonesia Pyrops madagascariensis Signoret, 1860 - Madagascar Pyrops hamdjahi Nagai & Porion, 2002 - Indonesia Pyrops astarte (Distant, 1814) - Thailand